We are
Eckert & Ziegler

The Eckert & Ziegler Group is one of the world’s largest providers of isotope technology for medical, scientific and industrial use. Eckert & Ziegler was founded in 1997 as a holding company. The oldest subsidiary, Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG GmbH, was preceded by the Zentralinstitut für Isotopentechnik, a research institute of the former Academy of Sciences of the GDR. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible for managing the company. Its members are jointly accountable for the management of the company. The Executive Board has, as its prime responsibility, the group’s strategic management, resource allocation, financial accounting and reporting, risk management, and corporate control.

Dr. Harald Hasselmann

Chairman of the Executive Board (CEO)
Segment Medical

Dr. Gunnar Mann

Member of the Executive Board
Segment Medical (Operations)

Frank Yeager

Member of the Executive Board
Segment Isotope Products

Code of Conduct

The Eckert & Ziegler Group conducts its business responsibly and in line with all legal requirements and official regulations in the countries where it operates. The Group Executive Board pledges its absolute commitment to complying with all legal and corporate regulations concerning responsible and lawful conduct as well as to preventing business practices that contravene any of the following principles. The Eckert & Ziegler Group respects the law and expects the same from its employees and business partners.

Code of conduct Eckert & Ziegler Group Supplier code of conduct Eckert & Ziegler Group

Eckert & Ziegler Worldwide

Eckert & Ziegler Group has its headquarters in Berlin, Germany, with a number of branches around the world to serve you. A list of the Group’s subsidiaries and their locations can be accessed via the following link. For product related requests, you will find your specific contact on the corresponding product page.

Our Locations

Our History

  • Change of legal form to a Societas Europaea (SE)
  • Spin-off of PentixaPharm AG

  • Acquisition of the Argentinian nuclear medicine specialist Tecnonuclear S.A., Buenos Aires
  • Acquisition of Myelo Therapeutics GmbH, Berlin

  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires majority stake in drug developer PENTIXAPHARM.
  • Divestment of the HDR division (tumor irradiation business)

  • Merger with Belgian Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG SA

  • Take over of significant parts of the Gamma-Service Group, Dresden

  • Acquisition of the Brazilian medical transport specialist BR-77 Comércio, Distribuidora e Transportes de Medicamentos Ltda. in São Paulo
  • Acquisition of the Belgian provider of brachytherapy accessories BrachySolutions BVBA, Leuven

  • Eckert & Ziegler sells its shares in OctreoPharm Sciences to the French pharmaceutical company IPSEN.
  • Sale of US seed business

  • Eckert & Ziegler takes over the Isotope business unit of the Brazilian REM Indústria e Comércio Ltda. in São Paulo.

  • Acquisition of Chemotrade Chemiehandelsgesellschaft mbH, Düsseldorf
  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires EnergySolution’s UK sources and waste business (Didcot, UK).
  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires BSM Diagnostica Gesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria.
  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires a minority interest in OctreoPharm Sciences GmbH, Berlin, a company specialized in radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine.
  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires the prostate cancer implants business of the American company Biocompatibles Inc., Oxford (CT).
  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires manufacturer of brachytherapy instrumentation and accessories Mick Radio Nuclear Instruments, Inc., Mount Vernon (NY).

  • Acquisition of the pharmaceutical service provider Vitalea Science Inc., Davis (CA)

  • Eckert & Ziegler acquires the Analytic Instrumentation and Radiochemistry Equipment Business from American market leader Bioscan, Inc.

  • Eckert & Ziegler takes over the Belgian IBt and holds 72% of the shares.

  • Acquisition of the isotope specialist Nuclitec GmbH, Braunschweig

  • Eckert & Ziegler transfers the shares of Eckert & Ziegler Bebig GmbH into the Belgian brachytherapy specialist IBt s.a. and holds 29,9% of the IBt shares.
  • The Californian subsidiary Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products, Inc. acquires the sealed source business of North American Scientific.

  • Acquisition of the radiopharmaceutical producer MC Pharma GmbH, Bonn

  • The Californian subsidiary Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products, Inc.  acquires all shares of Analytics, Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
  • Acquisition of 51% of the shares of f-con Europe GmbH
  • Acquisition of 70% of EURO-PET Berlin Zyklotron GmbH, Berlin

  • Acquisition of MMI, the radiation product business of HEK GmbH, Lübeck
  • Acquisition of a majority stake in sales subsidiary, Isotope Products Europe Blaseg (IPE) GmbH, Waldburg
  • Acquisition of the radiation equipment division of CIS bio International, France

  • Acceptance of the Eckert & Ziegler share in the Prime Standard category of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

  • Acquisition of Isotope Products Laboratories (IPL) Inc., California; Development and production of radiation sources for industrial, scientific and medical applications
  • Acquisition of the Worldwide Sources Business from DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Boston; Radioactive industrial and nuclear medicine products

  • Acquisition of Isotope Products Laboratories (IPL) Inc., California. Development and production of radiation sources for industrial, scientific and medical applications
  • Stock market listing on the New Market, Frankfurt

  • Founding of Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG, Berlin as a holding company for a number of specialized subsidiaries; Processing of radioisotopes as well as development, manufacturing and distribution of components using isotope technology, medical devices or related products

  • Founding of EUROTOPE Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Isotopentechnologien mbH, Berlin; Development of production lines, special sources and recycling processes for radioactive materials.

  • Participation in Cesio s.r.o, Prague. Production of preliminary products and industrial radiation sources

  • Founding of BEBIG Isotopentechnik und Umweltdiagnostik GmbH (BEBIG GmbH), Berlin by Dr. Andreas Eckert and Jürgen Ziegler. BEBIG GmbH was preceded by the Zentralinstitut für Isotopentechnik, a research institute of the former Academy of Sciences of the GDR. Manufacturing of weak sources of radiation for industrial and medical purposes.


Recognised as ‘Employer of the Year 2025’ in the medical technology company category by Focus-Money in collaboration with Deutschland Test and Service Value

Honored with the “Best Managed Companies Award” by Deloitte Private, UBS, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.)

Listing in "Germany's Best Apprenticeship Companies", by ServiceValue in cooperation with Deutschlandtest and FOCUS

Awarded „Germany's most popular employers 2024 in the medical device company category” by ServiceValue in cooperation with F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt

Awarded for „Best Work-Life-Balance in the medical device company category” by ServiceValue in cooperation with Deutschland Test

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2023“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in “Best Apprentice Trainer in Germany” by Capital in cooperation with Ausbildung.de

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in „500 Wachstumschampions“, statista and Focus-Business

Awarded with the "Pankow 2023 Apprenticeship Prize"

Listed in "Germany's best instructors", awarded by Capital and the talent platform Ausbildung.de

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2023“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in "Germany's Best Apprenticeship Companies", by ServiceValue in cooperation with WELT

Listing in „Best Work-Life-Balance”, by Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF), Hamburg in cooperation with Deutschlandtest and FOCUS

Listing in "Strongly Investing Medium-Sized Companies 2023“. By Creditreform and Süddeutsche Zeitung

Awarded „Germany’s most popular medical technology company 2022” by F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt

Awarded with the seal Deutschland Test Siegel for „Companies of the year 2022” by FOCUS Money and the Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF), Hamburg

Listing in „Germany's Most Innovative Companies 2022“, Focus and Focus Money

Listing in "Germany's Best Apprenticeship Companies 2022", by ServiceValue in cooperation with WELT

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2022“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in „Most Crisis-Proof Employers 2022. Germany and Luxembourg.“ by Creditreform Rating and Süddeutsche Zeitung

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Awarded „Excellence in training” by Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Listing in "Germany's Best Apprenticeship Companies 2021", by ServiceValue in cooperation with WELT.

Listing in Investors’ Darling 2021. Contest for capital market communication by Manager Magazin and Berenberg.

Awarded as „Growth Hero 2021“ in the medical device sector by FAZ-Institut and IMWF Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung.

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2021“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Awarded "Germany's most popular employer in the healthcare sector" by F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt

Awarded "Most popular medical technology company" by F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt

Listing in “Germany's most innovative companies - Innovationspreis 2020”, Focus and Focus Money

Awarded „Top Innovator 2020“ by the Swiss investment analytics company Alpora, Zug

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2020“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Awarded „Preis-Sieger 2020” by FOCUS Money in cooperation with the Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF)

Awarded „Top Career Opportunities Healthcare” by FOCUS in cooperation with Deutschlandtest and the Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF), Hamburg

Awarded „Excellence in training” by Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Awarded „Highest Reputation” by FOCUS in cooperation with the Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF)

Awarded “Germany's best training companies 2019” by Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung, Hamburg

Awarded “Germany's most wanted employers” by F.A.Z.-Institut, Frankfurt

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in „TOP 100 Germany's Fastest-Growing Medium-Sized Companies 2019“ by Munich Strategy Group and Handelsblatt

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Nominated for Berlin’s best company garden “Firmengärten Berlin 2016”

Listing in Weltmarktführer-Index (world market leader), Universität St. Gallen (CH) and WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in „The 100 Best Medium-Sized Companies“, WirtschaftsWoche

6th place at „50 Most Innovative Medium-Sized Companies in Germany“, WirtschaftsWoche

Listing in „TOP 100 Ranking of German Medium-Sized Companies“ by Munich Strategy Group and Die Welt

Listing in „TOP 100 Ranking of German Medium-Sized Companies“ by Munich Strategy Group and Die Welt

Listing in „TOP 100 Ranking of German Medium-Sized Companies“ by Munich Strategy Group and Die Welt

Dr. Andreas Eckert awarded "Man of Action of the Year 2011", Markt & Mittelstand

Selected landmark for the initiative „Germany - Land of Ideas“

Listing in „TOP 100 Ranking of German Medium-Sized Companies“ by Munich Strategy Group and Die Welt

Finalist at „Entrepreneur of the Year 2010“ by Ernst & Young

Awarded with the “Franz-von-Mendelssohn-Medal”

Winner “Großer Preis des Mittelstandes” of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung

Listing in “EUROPE’S 500 – Entrepreneurs for Growth”

Awarded as “Most Family-Friendly Company in Pankow 2005”

Finalist at “Großer Preis des Mittelstandes” Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung

Listing in “EUROPE’S 500 – Entrepreneurs for Growth”

Finalist at „Entrepreneur of the Year 2003“ by Ernst & Young

Listing in “EUROPE’S 500 – Entrepreneurs for Growth”

1st place at “Förderpreis 1998 für den Mittelstand in Berlin und Brandenburg”

Social Engagement

To help strengthen Germany’s position as a center of innovation and research, Eckert & Ziegler supports early education initiatives in the natural sciences. The „Forschergarten“ project, sponsored jointly by Eckert & Ziegler, the Gläsernes Labor and the Friedrich-Fröbel School for Social Pedagogy, gives kindergarten and primary school children the chance to experience the natural sciences and technology in a hands-on environment, counteracting inhibitions towards science and improving the quality of early childhood education.
The response to the initiative has been extremely positive and now includes nearly 100 participating kindergartens and primary schools in the Berlin region. Every year more than 11,000 children participates in these natural science experiment courses.

Photo:  Peter Himsel