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Calibration Services
Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH (EZN) operates a measurement laboratory, which is accredited by the German Calibration Service (DAkkS). The DAkkS is the national calibration body within the German National Physics Laboratory (PTB).
Our laboratory offers a wide range of calibration opportunities. This service includes:
- re-calibration of reference sources manufactured at EZN.
- calibration of customised sample materials in different geometry’s and compositions, like environmental samples, sealed sources or
- solutions calibration in terms of alpha-, beta- or photon emission, radioactivity or radioactive concentration
All detectors used in manufacturing and in our accredited measurement laboratory are calibrated using radioactivity standards which are fully traceable to radioactivity standards of the National Laboratories such as the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Physics Laboratory (NPL).
The measurement equipment of our DAkkS accredited laboratory is subject to continuous surveillance audits from the accreditation bodies.
Our highly trained colleagues will help you to find the best solution for your measurement requirements.