Nuclear Power Plant Laboratories

In 1982, Analytics developed a comprehensive Inter-Laboratory Cross-Check Program for radiochemistry analysis.

The Inter-Laboratory Cross-Check Program for nuclear power plant laboratories is a quarterly program designed specifically for the nuclear power industry and commercial laboratories performing effluent and 10 CFR Part 61 analyses.

This program provides blind samples whose composition and activity levels simulate plant effluent and health physics samples.

The table listed below summarizes sample matrices and radionuclide combinations routinely available on a quarterly basis. Analytics can adjust sample types and activity levels to meet your particular needs. Typical radioactive and stable interfering species are present in each sample.
The gamma isotopic sample is a variable mixture of fission and activation products commonly found in nuclear power plants. These cross-check samples are available in air filter, liquid or water-equivalent solid forms in your specific geometry. Whole body unknowns price includes 5 quart bottles and 1 liquid scintillation vial or a Fastscan™ in liquid scintillation vial, containers supplied by Analytics. The 133Xe / 85Kr gas sample is available in a sealed gas-counting vial or a transferable glass sphere. A transfer kit is available for an additional charge. There is a minimum of four samples per shipment. An additional fee will apply for less than 4 items per shipment.

Reporting Procedures

Sample price includes a comparison report listing our assigned value and the laboratory’s value which may include different detectors, shelves, etc. You will receive a report indicating ‘pass-fail’ using the US NRC Confirmatory Measurements criteria immediately from our web portal (used to enter your results) If not under NRC jurisdiction, you may select no pass-fail criteria or one of our pre-programmed options. Our system allows for the laboratory to file an appeal. If a disagreement cannot be resolved by reanalysis of the data, we will ship follow-up samples at your request at standard published rates, subject to availability. The web portal allows viewing of all submitted data from all participants for comparison. These summaries do not provide individual results in order to maintain confidentiality.