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The products shown on these pages are representative sources used for common applications.
If you cannot find the product with your specifications, please contact us using the corresponding email contact on this website. In most cases we will be able provide you with a solution meeting your requirements.
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1 litre bottles are used when safe, sealed, easy-to-handle containers are required. This measurement geometry is not as efficient as that of a Marinelli beaker, but is satisfactory when the radioactivity contained in the sample is sufficient to meet the detection limits of the measurement system.
The bottles according to drawing VZ-526-001 are constructed from polypropylene (Kautex™), and are resistant to acids and most organic solvents. The radioactive material is homogeneously incorporated in a special water-equivalent plastic matrix. The matrix density is normally 1g/cm3. Due to the difference in chemical composition between water (samples) and plastic (reference sources), absorption corrections for low energies may need to be applied. Details are available on request or supplied with the source when necessary.
Ordering Informartion 1)
Energy range | Radionuclide(s) | Total activity [kBq] |
Density [g/cm3] |
Product code |
80-1836 keV | Mixture NG1 | 44 | 0,97 | QCRB1073 |
60-1836keV | Mixture NG3 | 40 | 0,97 | QCRB1204 |
662keV | Cs-137 | 10 | 0,97 | CDRB2208 |
Empty bottle | not applicable | NQB1414 |
1) Custom geometries: Where other plastic matrix densities or customer-specified geometries are required, Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH can offer sealed, solid sources to customers’ specification as special orders. Custom-designed reference sources can be supplied when customers supply their own sample containers for filling with Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH’s plastic resin. Sample containers must be suitable for this purpose. A wide range of other standard bottles is also available.
Mixed Nuclide Bottle Standards – Type: EG-LV-ML
This configuration provides a convenient method to calibrate HPGe and NaI(Tl) detectors. The radioactivity is uniformly dispersed in the matrix. Specify the series, matrix and container type and size. The following are examples of customer-supplied materials that may also be used:
- Soil
- Vegetation/Food Products
- Pulverized Concrete
The LV-ML wide mouth polyethylene sample bottles are available in 250 mL, 500 mL, and 1000 mL. Additional sizes are quoted upon request. Customer supplied containers will be filled upon request.