Beta Sources SB-Type

The products shown on these pages are representative sources used for common applications. If you cannot find the product with your specifications, please contact us using the corresponding email contact on this website.

In most cases we will be able provide you with a solution meeting your requirements.

You can also use our product request forms.


Planchet source: Drawing VZ-599-001
Active diameter: 16mm ~2cm2
Overall dimensions: 25mm diameter x 3mm thick
Backing plate: Aluminium

Note: These sources are calibrated for activity. The emission rate is not calibrated.

Nuclide Activity Product code
Cl-36 37kBq CIR1211
Co-60 37kBq CKR1211
Co-60 370kBq CKR1221
Cs-137 37kBq CDR1211
Cs-137 370kBq CDR1221
Sr-90/Y-90 37kBq SIR1211
Sr-90/Y-90 370kBq SIR1221
Tc-99 37kBq TCR1211
Tl-204 37kBq TER1211
Tl-204 370kBq TER1221


Drawing: VZ-605-001
Active diameter: 36mm ~10cm2
Overall dimensions: 50mm diameter x 4mm thick1)
Backing plate: Aluminium

Note: These sources are calibrated for activity. The emission rate is not calibrated.

Nuclide Activity Product code
Cl-36 37kBq CIR1311
Co-60 37kBq CKR1311
Co-60 370kBq CKR1321
Cs-137 37kBq CDR1311
Cs-137 370kBq CDR1321
Sr-90/Y-90 37kBq SIR1311
Sr-90/Y-90 370kBq SIR1321
Tc-99 37kBq TCR1311
Tl-204 37kBq TER1311
Tl-204 370kBq TER1321