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Single Nuclide Solutions
Please choose from a wide product range from different manufacturing facilities:
Solutions manufactured by E&Z Isotope Products/CA/USA
All solutions are prepared to a tolerance +/- 15% of the requested activity.Each calibration is traceable to NIST, and many solutions can be supplied with a DAkkS certificate as well. The uncertainty value of the measured activity value for a NIST-traceable calibration can theoretically be as low as ±3% at the 99% confidence level (k=2.58) but will be no greater than ±5% unless otherwise noted elsewhere in our product information. For DAkkS-accredited calibrations, the uncertainty value of the measured activity value is typically 3.0-3.5% at the 95% confidence limit (k=2) for certain nuclides in Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products DAkkS Scope of Accreditation. Please inquire with an Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products customer service representative regarding the specific measurement uncertainty limit for each nuclide.
Radionuclidic impurities are specified on the Certificate of Calibration. For applications that require specific radionuclidic purity requirements, please contact customer service. For many alpha emitting nuclides and transuranics, radionuclidic purity is not always possible due to short lived daughters, and it is typical for isotopic ratios to vary greatly from batch to batch. Chemical purity is not determined and is not reported on the Certificate of Calibration. Please contact customer service for special requirements.
Radionuclide solutions packaging is offered in a variety of vials and ampoules. Please specify activity, and fill volume. Fill volumes must be at least 50% of the capacity of the chosen vial. There may be an extra charge for some options. Customer supplied vials on all solution orders are not guaranteed by EZIP to be leak proof during shipment, and EZIP will not honor return or credit requests for leaking solutions in customer supplied vials. An extra charge for shielding high activity beta and gamma emitter solutions may apply. Please contact customer service for details.
Container Configuration |
Material | Volume | Dimensions Outer Diameter x Length |
V-Vial | Glass | 1 mL | 0.55” x 1.93” (14 mm x 49 mm) |
V-Vial | Glass | 5 mL | 0.83” x 1.93” (21 mm x 62 mm) |
V-Vial | Glass | 10 mL | 1.0” x 2.9” (25 mm x 74 mm) |
Serum Vial | Glass | 10 mL | 0.98” x 2.13” (25 mm x 54 mm) |
Serum Vial | Glass | 20 mL | 1.18” x 2.24” (30 mm x 57 mm) |
Flame Sealed Ampoule (FSA) | Glass | 1 mL | 0.41” x 2.64” (10.4 mm x 67 mm) |
Flame Sealed Ampoule (FSA) | Glass | 5 mL | 0.65” x 3.31” (16.5 mm x 84 mm) |
Flame Sealed Ampoule (FSA) | Glass | 10 mL | 0.75” x 4.21” (19 mm x 107 mm) |
Flame Sealed Ampoule (FSA) | Glass | 20 mL | 0.89” x 5.12” (22.6 mm x 130 mm) |
Flame Sealed Ampoule (FSA) | Glass | 50 mL | 1.12” x 7.0” (28.5 mm x 178 mm) |
V-Vial | Polypropylene | 2 mL | 0.51” x 1.83” (12.7 mm x 46.5 mm) |
V-Vial | Polypropylene | 5 mL | 0.80” x 2.34” (20.3 mm x 59.4 mm) |
Plastic Bottle | Polypropylene | 125 mL | 2.0” x 4.0” (50.8 mm x 101.6 mm) |
Plastic Bottle | Polypropylene | 1000 mL | 3.5” x 8.0” (88.9 mm x 203.2 mm) |
Carrier materials will be added when considered appropriate or on request. Usually solutions are supplied as carrier added solutions to prevent preferential adherence of the radionuclide to the solution container walls, thus keeping the radionuclide homogenously mixed in the solution.
Non carrier added solutions are available on request, however, this must be stated in writing on your Purchase Order agreement. It is agreed to accept such a solution “as is”, including the lack of stability of the stated radionuclide concentration. Solution returns of this type will not be accepted.
Nuclide | Product code |
Activity range | Remark |
Al-26 | 7026 | Nuclide not available | |
Ag-108m | 7108 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | rare isotope – limited stock |
Ag-110m | 7110 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | available, but not in stock – higher activities available on request |
Am-241 | 7241 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Am-243 | 7243 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | |
Ba-133 | 7133 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Bi-207 | 7207 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | on request |
C-14 | 7014 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Ca-45 | 7045 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | available, but not in stock – higher activities available on request |
Cd-109 | 7109 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Ce-139 | 7139 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | available, but not always in stock – higher activities available on request |
Cf-252 | 7252 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | |
Cl-36 | 7036 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | |
Cm-244 | 7244 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Co-56 | 7056 | Nuclide not available | |
Co-57 | 7057 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Co-58 | 7058 | available from EZA only, on request | |
Co-60 | 7060 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Cr-51 | 7051 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Cs-134 | 7134 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Cs-137 | 7137 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Eu-152 | 7152 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Eu-154 | 7154 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Eu-155 | 7155 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Fe-55 | 7055 | 185 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Fe-59 | 7059 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | available, but on request – higher activities available |
Gd-148 | 7148 | Nuclide not available | |
Gd-153 | 7153 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Ge-68 | 7068 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
H-3 | 7003 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Hg-203 | 7203 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Ho-166m | 7166 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | in stock, please check availability – higher activities available on request |
I-125 | 7125 | 18,5 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
I-129 | 7129 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
I-131 (Real) | available from EZA only (product code 8131) | ||
Ir-192 | 7192 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Ammonium Hexachloroiridate (NH4)2lrCl6 – higher and lower activities available on request |
Mn-54 | 7054 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Na-22 | 7022 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Nb-95 | 7195 | Nuclide not available | |
Ni-59 | 7159 | Nuclide not available | |
Ni-63 | 7063 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Np-237 | 7237 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | lead time on request |
P-32 | 7032 | 37 kBq – 3,7 MBq | lead time on request, higher and lower activities available on request |
Pb-210 | 7210 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | lead time on request |
Pm-147 | 7147 | 18,5 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
Po-209 | 7209 | 370 Bq – 3,7 kBq | rare isotope, limited stock – higher activity available on request |
Po-210 | 7310 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | lead time on request, higher activities available on request |
Pu-236 | 8236 | 100 Bq, 370 Bq, 1 kBq | available from EZA only, limited stock, may be backordered |
Pu-238 | 7238 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
Pu-239 | 7239 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
Pu-240 | 7240 | max. 37 kBq/order | |
Pu-241 | 7341 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | lower activities available on request |
Pu-242 | 7242 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | |
Ra-226 | 7226 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | available, but check lead time |
Ra-228 | 7328 | available from EZA only | |
Ru-106 | 7106 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
S-35 | 7035 | 37 kBq – 3,7 MBq | available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sb-124 | 7124 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
Sb-125 | 7225 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | higher and lower activities available on request |
Sc-46 | 7046 | Nuclide not available | |
Se-75 | 7075 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | lower activities available on request |
Si-32 | 7132 | max. 37 kBq/order | rare nuclide, very limited availability |
Sm-151 | 7151 | 18,5 kBq – 3,7 MBq | available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sn-113 | 7113 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Sr-85 | 7085 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Sr-89 | 7089 | 37 kBq – 3,7 MBq | available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sr-90 | 7090 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Tc-95m | 7295 | Nuclide not available | |
Tc-99 | 7099 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Te-123m | 7123 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Th-228 | 7228 | 370 Bq – 185 kBq | nuclide available, but very limited – higher activity available on request |
Th-229 | 7229 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | very rare nuclide, limited stock |
Th-230 | 7230 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | higher activities available on request |
Th-232 | 7232 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | 740 Bq/ml |
Tl-204 | 7204 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | available, but check lead time – higher activities available on request |
U-232 | 7432 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | with daughters in equilibrium |
U-233 | 7233 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | |
U-235 | 7235 | 370 Bq – 3,7 kBq | 97% enrichment |
U-236 | 7336 | 370 Bq – 3,7 kBq | |
U-238 (Opt. A) | 7438 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | 0,2% depleted, on request |
U-238 (Opt. B) | 7338 | 370 Bq – 185 kBq | U-nat., max. 185 kBq in 100ml plastic bottle |
Y-88 | 7088 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Zn-65 | 7065 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | higher activities available on request |
Zr-95 | 7095 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | on request – higher activities available on request |
Back to overview – Calibrated Solutions
Back to overview – Single Nuclide Solutions
Back to overview – Standardized Solutions
Solutions manufactured by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics/GA/USA
All liquid radionuclide standards are prepared gravimetrically from NIST traceable solutions. After preparation all standards are QC tested with our calibrated counting system.
Analytics will provide relative expanded uncertainties (expressed in % of value) or expanded uncertainties (expressed in same units as the certified value) with a coverage factor of 2, which approximates 95% confidence level for all standards. Uncertainties are estimated using the guidance in NIST Technical Note 1297, „Guidlines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results“.
Custom liquid standards are available in a wide range of activities and volumes as single radionuclide standards, or as custom mixtures. Custom liquid standards are available in 5-, 10-, 20- or 50-ml flame-sealed glass vials.
Liquid standards are also available in larger volume flame-sealed reagent bottles of 100-, 250-, 500- and 1000-ml volumes. The storage bottles have a ground glass cap to prevent evaporation and to reseal the standard for storage between calibrations.
Nuclide | Product code |
Activity range | Chemical form | Remark |
Ac-227 | 8227 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Actinium Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | check for availability |
Am-241 | 8241 | 370 Bq – 740 kBq | Americium Chloride in 1M HCl | |
Am-243 | 8243 | on request | Americium Chloride in 1M HCl | |
Ba-133 | 8133 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Barium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Bi-207 | 8207 | on request | Bismuth Chloride in 1M HCl | |
C-14 | 8014G | 37 kBq – 370 kBq | C-14 labeled Glucose in H₂O | |
C-14 | 8014N | 37 kBq – 370 kBq | Sodium Carbonate in 0.1M NaOH | |
C-14 | 8014T | 37 kBq – 370 kBq | Toluene | |
Ca-45 | 8045 | 37 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Calcium Chloride in 0.1M NaOH | check lead time |
Cd-109 | 8109 | 37 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Cadmium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Ce-139 | 8139 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Cerium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
Ce-141 | 8141 | 370 Bq – 1,85 MBq | check lead time | |
Cl-36 | 8036 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Sodium Chloride in 0.0005M NaOH | |
Cm-244 | 8244 | 37 Bq – 3,7 kBq | Curium Chloride in 1M HCl | |
Co-56 | 8056 | nuclide not available | ||
Co-57 | 8057 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Cobalt Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Co-58 | 8058 | 3,7 kBq – 185 kBq | Cobalt Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Co-60 | 8060 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Cobalt Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Cr-51 | 8051 | 370 Bq – 7,4 MBq | Chromium Chloride in 1M HCl | |
Cs-134 | 8134 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Cesium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Cs-137 | 8137 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Cesium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Eu-152 | 8152 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Europium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Eu-154 | 8154 | on request | Europium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Eu-155 | 8155 | on request | Europium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Fe-55 | 8055 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Ferric Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Fe-59 | 8159 | 370 Bq – 3,7 MBq | Nickel Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
Gd-148 | 8148 | on request | Gadolinium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Gd-153 | 8153 | on request | Gadolinium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Ge-68 | 8068 | on request | Germanium Chloride in 1M HCl | |
H-3 | 8003 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Toluene | |
H-3 | 8003T | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Tritiated Water | |
Hg-203 | 8203 | 3,7 kBq – 185 kBq | Mercury Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ | |
Ho-166m | 8166 | on request | Holmium Chloride in 0.1m HCl | check lead time |
I-125 | 8125 | 7,4 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Sodium Iodide in 0.1M NaOH + 0.006M Na₂SO₃ | |
I-129 | 8129 | 370 Bq – 3,7 kBq | Sodium Iodide in 0.1M NaOH + 0.006M Na₂SO₃ | |
I-131 (real) | 8131 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Sodium Iodide in 0.1M NaOH + 0.006M Na₂SO₃ | |
Mn-54 | 8054 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Manganese Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Na-22 | 8022 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Sodium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Nb-93m | 8093 | on request | Niobium Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ + 0.01M HF | |
Ni-63 | 8063 | 3,7 kBq – 37 kBq | Nickel Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Np-237 | 8237 | on request | Neptunium Chloride in 4M HCl + 50 µg/ml Oxalic Acid | check lead time |
P-32 | 8032 | 3,7 kBq – 29,6 MBq | Phosphoric Acid in 0.1M HCl | |
Pa-231 | 8231 | on request | Protactinium Nitrate in 8M HNO₃ + 0.5M HF | |
Pb-210 | 8210 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Lead Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | check lead time |
Pm-147 | 8147 | 3,7 kBq – 185 kBq | Promethium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Po-209 | 8209 | 3,7 kBq | Polonium Chloride in 2M HCl | limited stock |
Pu-236 | 8236 | on request | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | 100 Bq, 370 Bq or 1 kBq in 5 ml FSA |
Pu-238 | 8238 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | |
Pu-239 | 8239 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | |
Pu-240 | 8240 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | |
Pu-241 | 8341 | on request | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | |
Pu-242 | 8242 | on request | Plutonium Nitrate in 3M HNO₃ | |
Ra-226 | 8226 | 370 Bq – 370 kBq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
Ra-228 | 8328 | max. 37 kBq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | with DAkkS certificate only |
Ru-106 | 8106 | on request | Ruthenium Chloride in 6M HCl | check lead time |
S-35 | 8035 | 3,7 kBq – 3,7 MBq | Sodium Sulfate in H₂O | check lead time |
Sb-125 | 8225 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Antimony Chloride in 6M HCl | |
Sc-46 | 8046 | nuclide not available | ||
Se-75 | 8075 | on request | ||
Si-32 | 8132 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Sodium Silicate in 0.1M NaOH | limited availability |
Sm-151 | 8151 | on request | Samarium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
Sn-113 | 8113 | on request | Hexachlorostannate (IV) in 4M HCl | |
Sr-85 | 8085 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Strontium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Sr-89 | 8089 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Strontium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
Sr-90 | 8090 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Strontium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | |
Tc-99 | 8099 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Ammonium Pertechnetate in 0.001M NaOH | |
Th-228 | 8228 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Thorium Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ | check lead time |
Th-229 | 8229 | on request | Thorium Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ | very limited stock |
Th-230 | 8230 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Thorium Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ | |
Th-232 (Th-Nat) | 8232 | on request | Thorium Nitrate in 0.5M HNO₃ | >higher activity requires more volume |
Tl-204 | 8204 | 370 Bq – 185 kBq | Thallium Chloride in 0.1M HCl | check lead time |
U-232 | 8332 | 370 Bq – 37 kBq | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | with daughters in equilibrium |
U-233 | 8233 | 37 Bq – 37 kBq | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | |
U-235 | 8235 | on request | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | 97% enrichment |
U-236 | 8336 | 370 Bq – 3,7 kBq | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | |
U-238 (Opt A) | 8438 | on request | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | 0,5 – 0,02% depleted |
U-238 (Opt B) | 8338 | 370 Bq – 185 kBq | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ | natural U, max. 185 kBq in a 100 ml plastic bottle |
Y-88 | 8088 | 3,7 kBq – 370 kBq | Yttrium Chloride in 0.1M HCL | |
Zn-65 | 8065 | 3,7 kBq – 1,85 MBq | Zinc Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Back to overview – Calibrated Solutions
Back to overview – Single Nuclide Solutions
Back to overview – Standardized Solutions
Stock Solutions from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics/GA/USA
Certain longer-lived liquid radionuclide standards are available from stock providing rapid delivery. Stock liquids are available in 5-ml flame-sealed glass vials at activities specified in the Radioactive Liquid Standards.
Nuclide | Product code | Activity | Chemical Form |
Am-241 | 8241-5FSA-18,5KBQ | 18,5 kBq | Americium Chloride in 1M HCl |
Am-241 | 8241-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Americium Chloride in 1M HCl |
Am-241 | 8241-5FSA-185KBQ | 185 kBq | Americium Chloride in 1M HCl |
C-14 | 8014N-5FSA-4KBQ | 4 kBq | Sodium Carbonate in 0.1M NaOH |
C-14 | 8014N-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Sodium Carbonate in 0.1M NaOH |
C-14 | 8014G-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Glucose |
Cs-137 | 8137-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Cesium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Cs-137 | 8137-5FSA-185KBQ | 185 kBq | Cesium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
H-3 | 8003-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Tritiated Water |
H-3 | 8003-5FSA-185KBQ | 185 kBq | Tritiated Water |
I-129 | 8129-5FSA-4KBQ | 4 kBq | Sodium Iodide in 0.01M NaOH + 0.006M Na₂SO₃ |
Ni-59 | 8059-5FSA-3,7KBQ | 3,7 kBq | |
Pu-239 | 8239-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | |
Ra-226 | 8226-5FSA-4KBQ | 4 kBq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Ra-228 | 8328-5FSA-370BQ-D | 370 Bq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Ra-228 | 8328-5FSA-1,25KBQ-D | 1,25 kBq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Ra-228 | 8328-5FSA-3,7KBQ-D | 3,7 kBq | Radium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Sr-90 | 8090-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Strontium Chloride in 0.1M HCl |
Tc-99 | 8099-5FSA-37KBQ | 37 kBq | Ammonium Pertechnetate in 0.001M NaOH |
Th-229 | 8229-5FSA-370BQ | 370 Bq | |
Th-230 | 8230-5FSA-4KBQ | 4 kBq | |
U-232 | 8332-5FSA-4KBQ | 4 kBq | |
U-233 | 8233-5FSA-18KBQ | 18 kBq | Uranyl Nitrate in 1M HNO₃ |
U-238 (Opt B) | 8338-5FSA-1,85KBQ | 1,85 kBq |
Back to overview – Calibrated Solutions
Back to overview – Single Nuclide Solutions
Back to overview – Standardized Solutions
Low Level Tracers from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics/GA/USA
Low-level radioactive tracer solutions are available in flame-sealed reagent bottles with a ground glass cap to minimize evaporative losses. These samples are particularly useful for radiochemical measurements, which require a spike for yield determinations. These solutions may also be used as control samples for various analytes.
Nuclide | Catalog | Available volumes [ml] |
Available activity [Bq/ml] |
Chemical form and carrier |
Am-241 | 8241 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 1M HCl, Carrier free |
Am-243 | 8243 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 1M HCl, Carrier free |
Pu-236 | 8236 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 3M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Pu-238 | 8238 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 3M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Pu-239 | 8239 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 3M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Pu-242 | 8242 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 | in 3M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Ra-226 | 8226 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Ra(II) in 0.1M HCl, 30 mg/g Ba |
Ra-228 | 8328 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Ra(II) in 0.1M HCl, 30 mg/g Ba |
Sr-90 | 8090 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Sr(II) in 0.1M HCl, 30 mg/g Sr |
Tc-99 | 8099 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Tc(VII) in 0.001M NaOH, Carrier free |
Th-229 | 8229 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Th(IV) in 0,5M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Th-230 | 8230 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Th(IV) in 0,5M HNO₃, Carrier free |
Th-232 (nat) | 8232 | 10 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | Th(IV) in 0,5M HNO₃, Th-228 is in equilibrium with Th-232 |
U-232 | 8332 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 1M HNO₃, Carrier free |
U-233 | 8233 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 1M HNO₃, Carrier free |
U-238 (U-nat) | 8338 | 100 – 1000 | 0,1 to 1 | in 1M HNO₃, constist of U-234 + U-235 + U-238 |