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- Isotrak Calibration Sources
Nominal Solutions - not calibrated
The products shown on these pages are representative sources used for common applications.
If you cannot find the product with your specifications, please contact us using the corresponding email contact on this website. In most cases we will be able provide you with a solution meeting your requirements.
You can also use our product request forms.
All solutions are prepared to a tolerance +/- 15% of the requested activity and are usually supplied as carrier added solutions to prevent preferential adherence of the radionuclide to the solution container walls, thus keeping the radionuclide homogenously mixed in the solution.
Non carrier added solutions are available on request, however, this must be stated in writing on your Purchase Order agreement.
It is agreed to accept the solution “as is”, including the lack of stability of the stated radionuclide concentration. Solution returns of this type will not be accepted.
Nuclide |
Product |
Activity range |
Remarks |
Al-26 |
6026 |
Nuclide not available |
Ag-108m |
6108 |
370 Bq – 370 kBq |
rare isotope – limited stock |
Ag-110m |
6110 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but not in stock – higher activities available on request |
Am-241 |
6241 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Am-243 |
6243 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Ba-133 |
6133 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Bi-207 |
6207 |
370 Bq – 185 kBq |
on request |
C-14 |
6014 |
on request |
Ca-45 |
6045 |
185 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Cd-109 |
6109 |
185 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Ce-139 |
6139 |
185 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but not always in stock – higher and lower activities available on request |
Cf-252 |
6252 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
Cl-36 |
6036 |
as calibrated solution only, see 7000 series |
Cm-244 |
6244 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Co-56 |
6056 |
370 Bq – 185 MBq |
not in stock, check availability – long lead time |
Co-57 |
6057 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Co-58 |
available from EZA only, on request |
Co-60 |
6060 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Cr-51 |
6051 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Cs-134 |
6134 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Cs-137 |
6137 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Eu-152 |
6152 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Eu-154 |
6154 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Eu-155 |
6155 |
37 Bq – 185 MBq |
available, but check lead time |
Fe-55 |
6055 |
370 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Fe-59 |
6059 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – higher activities available on request |
Gd-148 |
Nuclide not available |
Gd-153 |
6153 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Ge-68 |
6068 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
H-3 |
6003 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Hg-203 |
6203 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Ho-166m |
6166 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
in stock, but check availability – higher activities available on request |
I-125 |
6125 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
I-129 |
6129 |
370 Bq – 370 kBq |
I-131 |
available from EZA only (product code 8131) |
Ir-192 |
6192 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
Ammonium Hexachloroiridate (NH4)2lrCl6 – higher activities available on request |
Mn-54 |
6054 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Na-22 |
6022 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Nb-95 |
6195 |
Nuclide not available |
Ni-59 |
6159 |
Nuclide not available |
Ni-63 |
6063 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Np-237 |
6237 |
370 Bq – 37 kBq |
P-32 |
6032 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Pb-210 |
6210 |
370 Bq – 185 kBq |
Pm-147 |
6147 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Po-209 |
6209 |
Nuclide not available |
Po-210 |
6310 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
Pu-236 |
8236 |
available from EZA only, on request |
Pu-238 |
6238 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
lower activities available on request |
Pu-239 |
6239 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Pu-240 |
6240 |
18,5 kBq – 37 kBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Pu-241 |
6341 |
18,5 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
lower activities available on request |
Pu-242 |
6242 |
1,85 kBq – 185 kBq |
higher activities available on request |
Ra-226 |
6226 |
370 Bq – 370 kBq |
Ra-228 |
max. 370 Bq |
very limited availability, on request |
Ru-106 |
6106 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
S-35 |
6035 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sb-124 |
6124 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Sb-125 |
6225 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Sc-46 |
6046 |
Nuclide not available |
Se-75 |
6075 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Si-32 |
6132 |
as calibrated solution only, see 7132 |
Sm-151 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – lower activities available on request |
Sn-113 |
6113 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Sr-85 |
6085 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sr-89 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
available, but check lead time – higher and lower activities available on request |
Sr-90 |
6090 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Tc-95m |
Nuclide not available |
Tc-99 |
6099 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Te-123m |
6123 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Th-228 |
6228 |
37 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
limited stock, check lead time – lower activities available on request |
Th-229 |
6229 |
3,7 kBq – 37 kBq |
very limited stock – higher activities available on request |
Th-230 |
6230 |
370 Bq – 185 kBq |
Nuclide not available |
Th-232 |
6232 |
370 Bq – 1,85 kBq |
Tl-204 |
6204 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
U-232 |
6332 |
370 Bq – 37 kBq |
Daughters may not be in equilibrium |
U-232 |
6432 |
370 Bq – 37 kBq |
With daughters in equilibrium |
U-233 |
6233 |
370 Bq – 370 kBq |
U-235 |
6235 |
on request |
97% enrichment |
U-236 |
6336 |
370 Bq – 3,7 kBq |
U-238 |
6438 |
on request |
0,2% depleted |
U-238 |
6338 |
370 Bq – 185 kBq |
U-nat., max. 185 kBq in 100ml plastic bottle |
Y-88 |
6088 |
37 kBq – 3,7 MBq |
higher and lower activities available on request |
Zn-65 |
6065 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |
Zr-95 |
6095 |
370 Bq – 3,7 MBq |
higher activities available on request |