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Eckert & Ziegler AG Acquires Specialist for Liposome Technology

Eckert & Ziegler AG, a leader in the field of oncological and cardio-vascular radiation, has acquired, together with a Berlin Venture Capital Company, 65% of the shares of GOT Gesellschaft für Therapieoptimierung und Targeting mbH. The company, which is located on the biological research campus in Berlin Buch, specializes in the development of innovative drug deli-very systems and owns a number of key patents. It is headed by Dr. Regina Reszka, who in 1999 received the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award for her work on non-viral gene transfer.

"GOT offers a technology plattform which should allow us to alle-via-te the long development and market introduction times through the sale of services and licenses, explains Dr. Andreas Eckert, president and CEO. With this engagement we expand along the value chain in the field of therapy against cancer. We are confident that this will open up a number of exciting cooperations, not the least because the Venture Capital Company also provides a network of contacts throughout the industry". In a first step Eckert & Ziegler holds 35% of the G.O.T.

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