Internal Standards for LSC counting efficiency calibration

Eckert & Ziegler Analytics offers a wide range of NIST traceable, calibrated solutions for the determination of the counting efficiency by internal standardization. They are provided in a 10 ml flame sealed glass ampoule with an active volume of 10 ml and an activity tolerance of +/- 20%. Customized solutions are available on request.

Nuclide Product Code Activity
Chemical Form
H-3 (Tritium) 8003-10FSAH-400KBQ 40 400 2.4 x 106 <3.5% Tritium labeled water
H-3 (Tritium) 8003-10FSAT-400KBQ 40 400 2.4 x 106 <3.5% Tritium labeled Toluene
C-14 8014-10FSAT-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <4% C-14 labeled Toluene
C-14 8014-10FSAG-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <4% C-14 labeled glucose (50µg/g)
+ formaldehyde (1µg/g) H2O
C-14 8014-10FSAC-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <4% Na2CO3 in 0.001M NaOH,
30 µg/g C
Am-241 8241-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <2% Americium Chloride in 1M
HCl, no carrier added
Ca-45 8045-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <6% Calcium Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Ca
Cd-109 8109-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <2% Cadmium Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Cd
Cl-36 8036-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <4% Sodium Chloride in 0.0005M
NaOH, 30 µg/g Cl
Co-60 8060-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <1.5% Cobald Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Co
Cr-51 8051-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <2% Chromium Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Cr
Cs-137 8137-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <2% Cesium Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Cs
Fe-55 8055-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <4% Ferric Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Fe
I-125 8125-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <3.5% Sodium Iodide in 0.1M NaOH
+ 0.006M Na2SO3, 30µg/g I
I-129 8129-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <3.5% Sodium Iodide in 0.1M NaOH
+ 0.006M Na2SO3, 30µg/g I
Ni-63 8063-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <3% Nickel Chloride in 0.1M
HCl, 30 µg/g Ni
S-35 8035-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <3.5% Sodium Sulfate in H2O,
30 µg/g S
Sr-90 8090-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <2% Strontium Chloride in 0.1 M
HCl, 30 µg/g Sr + 30 µg/g Y
Tc-99 8099-10FSA-100KBQ 10 100 6 x 105 <3% Sodium pertechnetate in
0.001M NaOH, no carrier added

Low-Background (dead) Water

This freshwater is collected from an artesian well that is screened at a depth of >100 m below the water table. Based upon hydraulic conductivity this water has not been in contact with the atmosphere for several thousand years and should therefore contain undetectable amounts of tritium. Analysis of this water by the University of Miami Tritium Laboratory indicates that the tritium levels are below their detection limit (<0.1 TU). This water is suitable for use as analytical instrument, field and equipment blanks. The water will be delivered in 1 liter polythene bottles. A copy of the batch analysis will be provided.

Product Code: BGW-1LB
1 Liter Low-Background Water
Tritium (H-3) activity less than 0.012 Bq/kg (12 pBq/g)
Batch Analysis Certificate provided