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Eckert & Ziegler to Increase Dividend Proposal

Insider information pursuant to Article 17 MAR

Berlin, March 24, 2022 - Eckert & Ziegler AG (ISIN DE0005659700, TecDAX) closed fiscal year 2021 with sales of 180.4 million EUR (previous year: 176.1 million EUR) and net income of 34.5 million EUR (previous year: 22.9 million EUR). Earnings per share amounted to EUR 1.67 (previous year: EUR 1.11). Based on these figures, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board today resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting the payment of a dividend of EUR 0.50 (previous year: EUR 0.45) per dividend-bearing share.

For the current fiscal year 2022, the Executive Board expects an increase in sales to around EUR 200 million and a net income of around EUR 38 million. The forecast is based on a weighted average exchange rate of USD 1.20 per EUR and is subject to the assumption that no major disruptions continue to result from the developments in Ukraine.

The detailed financial statements for 2021 will be published on March 30, 2022.

For enquiries please contact:
Eckert & Ziegler AG, Karolin Riehle, Investor Relations
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 / 94 10 84-138, karolin.riehle@ezag.de, www.ezag.com



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