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Sources Return and Recycling
Eckert & Ziegler provides to their customers the complete product and service cycle. For sealed sources, it comprises the worldwide distribution of Eckert & Ziegler´s diverse portfolio of sources. After their use, spent radioactive sources may be returned to the Environmental Services segment. In order to unburden our customers, we offer seamless service steps for source return, which may be chosen to take into account specific needs. Services include source acceptance, packaging, transportation, source requalification, conditioning and final disposal. For each of the steps we are ready to provide support and consulting based on more than 30 years of practical experiences. Careful and sustainable handling of radioactive raw material is one of our priorities. All sources returned to the Environmental Services are checked for its reuse in one of our recycling lines in order to feed the radioactive material back into the production cycle.
Eckert & Ziegler Umweltdienste GmbH
Gieselweg 1
38110 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 5307 932 182
Fax: +49 5307 932 295
E-mail: info.es@ezag.com