7500 and 7600 Type

The nine-nuclide gamma standard, routinely used to establish efficiency curves for gamma spectrometers, covers an energy range from 88 keV to 1836 keV. As options, Am-241 and/or Pb-210 can be added to extend the calibration curve down to 60 keV and 46 keV respectively. IPL offers two nine-nuclide gamma standards. Series 7500 contains Te-123m and Cr-51 for those customers who require a non-mercury containing standard.

Series 7600 contains Hg-203 and Ce-139. Please note that Hg-203 may leach out from polyethylene containers and may contaminate the entire container. Proper handling techniques must be observed. The component nuclides of each series have been chosen to minimize peak interference, and the activity ratios have been selected to yield similar count rates in all major peaks on typical coaxial germanium detectors.

These multinuclide standards are NIST traceable with each component certified with an uncertainty less than ± 5% at the 99% confidence level except for Pb-210 when added. The multinuclide standards are prepared gravimetrically from calibrated solutions and then confirmed using a high purity germanium detector to ensure the highest possible quality.

Multinuclide standards are made to order and are available on a year-round basis in a variety of configurations. Standards can be supplied for special applications with nuclides, activities, containers and matrices manufactured to customer specifications.

Reference dates: 1st February, 1st April, 1st June, 1st August, 1st October, 1st December

Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 7500 7501 7502 7503
88 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 2,9 2,3
Cd-109 88 keV 28,7 27,8 22,0 21,5
Co-57 122 keV, 137 keV 1,1 1,1 0,8 0,8
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,333 MeV 5,6 5,4 4,3 4,2
Cr-51 320 keV 35,7 34,7 27,5 26,8
Cs-137 662 keV 4,8 4,7 3,7 3,6
Pb-210 46 keV 23,1 22,6
Sn-113 392 keV 5,2 5,0 4,0 3,9
Sr-85 514 keV 6,6 6,4 5,1 5,0
Te-123m 159 keV 1,4 1,4 1,1 1,1
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 10,9 10,6 8,4 8,2
Total 100 100 100 100
Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 7600 7601 7602 7603
88 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 2,9 2,3
Cd-109 88 keV  42,0  40,8 32,5  31,5
Co-57 122 keV, 137 keV  1,6  1,6  1,2  1,2
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,333 MeV  8,2  8,0  6,3  6,2
Ce-139 166 keV  2,0  1,9  1,5  1,5
Cs-137 662 keV  7,0  6,8  5,4  5,3
Hg-203 279 keV  6,0  5,8  4,6  4,5
Pb-210 46 keV  23,0  22,6
Sn-113 392 keV  7,6  7,4  5,8  5,7
Sr-85 514 keV  9,6  9,3  7,4  7,2
Te-123m 159 keV
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 16,0 15,5  12,3 12,0
Total 100 100 100 100

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NG1 and NG4 – QCYB-Type

These nuclide mixtures are recommended by PTB (Germany) and cover the energy range 46-1836keV. The solutions are calibrated in our DAkkS accredited measurement laboratory and are traceable to national standards world-wide, including the USA, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Reference dates NG1: 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, 1st October

Reference dates NG4: 1st January and 1st July

Nuclides Main Gamma Energies NG1*) NG4**)
80 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 136 keV
[kBq] [kBq]
Am-241 60 keV 4
Ba-133 81 keV, 303 keV, 356 keV 6
Cd-109 88 keV 20
Ce-139 166 keV 6
Co-57 122 keV, 137 keV 6 2
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,333 MeV
Cs-137 662 keV 12
Mn-54 835 keV 12
Pb-210 46 keV 20
Sr-85 514 keV 30
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 30
Zn-65 1,116 MeV 30
Total Activity 132 46

*) Nuclide mixture 1 (NG1): The half lives of the component radio­nuclides are relatively long (shortest is 65 days, Sr-85). At close source-detector distances, summation effects become important.

**) Nuclide mixture 4 (NG4): Intended for low energy calibration only.

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8400, 8500 and 8600 Type

The mixed nuclide gamma standards, routinely used to establish efficiency curves for gamma spectrometers, cover an energy range from 88 keV to 1836 keV.  The component nuclides of each series have been chosen to minimize peak interference, and the activity ratios have been selected to yield similar count rates in all major peaks on typical coaxial germanium detectors.  The mixtures minimize coincident summing effects, which is particularly important when counting close to large, high-efficiency, germanium detectors.

Three mixed nuclide gamma standards are offered.

–    Series 8400 contains Hg-203.
–    Series 8500 contains Hg-203 and adds Sr-85
–    For those customers who require a non-mercury containing standard, Series 8600 replaces Hg-203 with Cr-51 and adds Sr-85.

These mixed nuclide standards are NIST traceable with each component certified with an uncertainty less than ± 5% at the 95% confidence level.  The mixed nuclide standards are prepared gravimetrically from calibrated solutions and then confirmed using a high purity germanium detector to ensure the highest possible quality.

As options, Am-241 and/or Pb-210 can be added to extend the calibration curve down to 60 keV and 46 keV respectively.  In order to measure coincidence-summing effects Mn-54 and/or Zn-65 can also be added upon request.

Reference dates: 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, 1st October

Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 8400
Option 1)
Option 2)
8402 8403
88 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 5,0 3,1
Cd-109 88 keV 72,7 69,1 43,6 42,2
Ce-139 166 keV 2,6 2,5 1,6 1,5
Co-57 122 keV 1,8 1,7 1,1 1,0
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,332 MeV 3,4 3,2 2,0 2,0
Cs-137 662 keV 2,2 2,1 1,3 1,3
Hg-203 279 keV 5,6 5,3 3,4 3,3
Pb-210 46 keV 40,0 38,8
Sn-113 392 keV 4,4 4,2 2,6 2,6
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 7,3 6,9 4,4 4,2
Total 100 100 100 100
Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 8500
Option 3)
Option 4)
8502 8503
88 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 4,8 3,0
Cd-109 88 keV 69,1 65,7 42,2 40,7
Co-57 122 keV 1,7 1,6 1,0 1,0
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,332 MeV 3,2 3,1 2,0 1,9
Ce-139 166 keV 2,5 2,4 1,5 1,5
Cs-137 662 keV 2,1 2,0 1,3 1,2
Hg-203 279 keV 5,3 5,1 3,3 3,1
Pb-210 46 keV 38,8 38,0
Sn-113 392 keV 4,2 4,0 2,6 2,5
Sr-85 514 keV 5,0 4,8 3,1 3,0
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 6,9 6,6 4,2 4,1
Total 100 100 100 100
Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 8600
Option 5)
8601 8602 8603
88 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 3,2 2,3
Cd-109 88 keV 42,0 40,7 29,8 29,3
Ce-139 166 keV 1,5 1,5 1,1 1,0
Co-57 122 keV 1,0 1,0 0,7 0,7
Co-60 1,173 MeV, 1,332 MeV 2,0 1,9 1,4 1,4
Cr-51 320,1 keV 42,3 40,9 30,0 29,5
Cs-137 662 keV 1,2 1,2 0,9 0,8
Pb-210 46 keV 29,0 28,0
Sn-113 392 keV 2,5 2,4 1,8 1,7
Sr-85 514 keV 3,3 3,2 2,3 2,3
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 4,2 4,1 3,0 2,9
Total 100 100 100 100


8700 Type – True Coincidence Correction Mixture (TCC)

The True Coincidence Correction (TCC) mixture is used with special software to correct for coincidence summing effects.  As an option, Pb-210 can be added to extend the calibration curve down to 46 keV.

The TCC mixed nuclide standards are NIST traceable with each component certified with an uncertainty less than ± 5% at the 95% confidence level.  The mixed nuclide standards are prepared gravimetrically from calibrated solutions and then confirmed using a high purity germanium detector to ensure the highest possible quality.

Reference dates: 1st February and 1st August

Nuclides Main Gamma Energies 8700 8701
Option 6)
8702 8703
60 keV – 1,8 MeV 60 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV 46 keV – 1,8 MeV
37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq 37 Bq – 185 kBq
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Am-241 60 keV 6,0 5,7 4,0 3,8
Cd-109 88 keV 54,2 51,1 36,3 34,8
Co-57 122 keV 1,4 1,3 0,9 0,9
Ce-139 166 keV 1,9 1,8 1,3 1,2
Cs-134 604,7 keV, 795,9 keV 6,7 6,3 4,5 4,3
Cs-137 662 keV 1,6 1,5 1,1 1,0
Hg-203 279 keV 4,5 4,2 3,0 2,9
Mn-54 834,9 keV 3,8 3,6 2,5 2,4
Pb-210 46 keV 33,0 32,0
Sn-113 392 keV 3,0 2,8 2,0 1,9
Sr-85 514 keV  – 5,7  – 3,9
Y-88 898 keV, 1,836 MeV 6,9 6,5 4,6 4,4
Zn-65 1,1156 MeV 10,0 9,4 6,7 6,4
Total 100 100 100 100

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Inactive Diluents

Inactive diluents for mixed nuclide reference solutions:

Product code To be
used for
Carrier element concentration Volume Remarks
DIL7500-5 7500 series 10 µg/ml of Cs and Cr
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7500-50 7500 series 10 µg/ml of Cs and Cr
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7501-5 7501 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7501-50 7501 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7502-5 7502 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr and Pb
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7502-50 7502 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr and Pb
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7503-5 7503 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr, Pb and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per ampoule of diluent, acid to be used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7503-50 7503 series 10 µg/ml of Cs, Cr, Pb and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr, Te and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7600-5 7600 series 10 µg/ml of Ce and Cs
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7600-50 7600 series 10 µg/ml of Ce and Cs
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7601-5 7601 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7601-50 7601 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7602-5 7602 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs and Pb
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7602-50 7602 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs and Pb
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7603-5 7603 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs, Pb and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
5ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 50ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL7603-50 7603 series 10 µg/ml of Ce, Cs, Pb and Eu (for Am)
20 µg/ml of Co
50 µg/ml of Sn, Sr and Y
500 µg/ml of Cd
contains no Hg
50ml in 2 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 2 M HCl
DIL8600-500 8600 series 30 µg/g of each element except Am 500ml in 4 M HCl-Solution
in a 500ml glass ampoule
NKA8192 8701 series 300 µg/ml of Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Hg, Mn,
Sn, Sr, Y and Zn
50ml in 4 M HCl-Solution
in a 50ml glass ampoule
maximum volume 500ml per
ampoule of diluent, acid to be
used for dilution: 4 M HCl
NQB2392 QCYB40 and
contains 4 mg element/ml solution 5ml in 0,5 M HNO3 solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
max. volume 1000ml per
ampoule of diluent,
acid to be used for dilution:
0,5 M HNO3
NQB2393 QCYB41,
contains 4 mg element/ml solution 5ml in 0,5 M HCl solution
in a 5ml glass ampoule
max. volume 1000ml per
ampoule of diluent,
acid to be used for dilution:
0,5 M HCl