Application / Description

The Beta Secondary Standard (BSS) was first developed by the German National Metrology Institute Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) nearly 30 years ago for calibrating personal dosimeters and survey instruments for beta radiation. Calibrations are traceable to the PTB’s primary standard, and the BSS meets the requirements of ISO6980.


The new BSS (BSS-2), also developed by PTB, is a complete irradiation facility including beta sources, mechanics, electronics, sensors for air pressure, temperature and humidity, and a personal computer to control all irradiation parameters and to deliver the desired dose to the instrument under test.


The main features of the new facility are:

  • Dosimeters can be positioned easily at the calibrated point in the radiation field
  • Irradiation table rotates in 5 degree steps for measuring polar response
  • High activity Pm-147, Kr-85 and Sr-90 sources with beam flattening filters in place
  • Sr-90 source also calibrated without filter for source-detector distances of 11, 30 and 50cm
  • Each source contained in an individual shield with built-in shutter -reduced operator dose, no special handling equipment needed
  • Low activity Tl-204 source replaced by high activity Kr-85 source


For quality assurance purposes and to deliver the required dose to the dosimeter, the computer automatically records the following parameters:

  1. Radionuclide and source identification number
  2. Type of beam flattening filter
  3. Distance between source and dosimeter
  4. Angle of incidence of radiation
  5. Temperature, humidity and air pressure


Upgraded version of the complete Beta Secondary Standard BSS2 (Since: 2017-02-01)

Complete Beta irradiation facility BSS-2 comprising:

Product Code Qty Description
NIGB6243 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2
Basic irradiation facility including mechanics
NIGB7583 1 Sensor for temperature and humidity
NIGB21463 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2 (BSS-2)
Electronic control unit including- Integrated PC and data storage
– Monitor und keyboard with touchpad – PTB software, correction factors and Calibration data of the sources – Data interface
NIGB7579 1 Digital Barometer
(Mounted into the electronic control unit)
NIGB15800 1 Rod phantom – Including storage case
NIGB21349 1 Slab phantom – Including storage case
NIGB7581 1 Suitcase including accessories and tools
QCRB6245 1 Set of 3 beta radiation sources for BSS-2
consisting of:
– Pm-147 source (PHRB4809) 3,7 GBq according to drawing VZ-1407-001
– Kr-85 source (KARB4810) 3,7 GBq according to drawing VZ-2832-002
– Sr-90 source (SIRB4568) 460 MBq according to drawing VZ-2104-001
Each source is calibrated by the German National Metrology Institute”Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt” (PTB) and is mounted in a stainless steel holder incl. lead pot with beam flattening filter. The sources will be supplied in Type A approved packaging.


One wooden Box containing the mechanic and electronic systems.
One Type A packaging containing the radiation source set.

On site Installation of the system and training only as far as the operation of the unit is concerned. No training on beta dosimetry incl. travel and accommodation

The system consists of 2 boxes:
1) the radioactive sources – Type A package – UN2915
dim.: 0.78m x 0.34m x 0.55m, weight 25kg
7.9GBq (Sr-90,Kr-85,Pm-147)
estimated labelling: II Yellow, max. Ti: 0.2 or below
2) all inactive parts of the equipment are packed into a wooden box
dim: 1.19m x 0.7m x 1.26m, weight 60kg

Upgrade packages for the former complete Beta Secondary Standard BSS-2 versions (delivered not earlier than 10 years)

Upgrade Package 1
Product Code Qty Description
NIGB21463 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2 (BSS-2)
Electronic control unit including
– Integrated PC and data storage
– Monitor und keyboard with touchpad – PTB software, correction factors and Calibration data of the sources – Data interface
NIGB7579 1 Digital Barometer
(Mounted into the electronic control unit)
NIGB15800 1 Rod phantom – Including storage case
NIGB21349 1 Slab phantom – Including storage case
Upgrade Package 2
Product Code Qty Description
NIGB21463 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2 (BSS-2)
Electronic control unit including
– Integrated PC and data storage
– Monitor und keyboard with touchpad – PTB software, correction factors and Calibration data of the sources – Data interface
NIGB7579 1 Digital Barometer
(Mounted into the electronic control unit)
NIGB15800 1 Rod phantom – Including storage case
Upgrade Package 3
Product Code Qty Description
NIGB21463 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2 (BSS-2)
Electronic control unit including
– Integrated PC and data storage
– Monitor und keyboard with touchpad – PTB software, correction factors and Calibration data of the sources – Data interface
NIGB7579 1 Digital Barometer
(Mounted into the electronic control unit)
NIGB21349 1 Slab phantom – Including storage case
Upgrade Package 4
Product Code Qty Description
NIGB21463 1 Beta Secondary Standard 2 (BSS-2)
Electronic control unit including
– Integrated PC and data storage
– Monitor und keyboard with touchpad – PTB software, correction factors and Calibration data of the sources – Data interface
NIGB7579 1 Digital Barometer
(Mounted into the electronic control unit)