ISO 2919 / ANSI N43.6 Classification

The International Organization for Standarization (ISO) has proposed a system of classification of sealed radioactive sources based on the safety requirements for typical uses ISO2919:2012(E). This system provides a manufacturer of sealed radioactive sources with a set of tests to evaluate the safety of his products. It also assists a user of such sealed sources to select types which suit the application in mind. The tests to which specimen sources are subjected are listed in the following table. Each test can be applied in several degrees of severity. Test results are expressed as a five figure code to indicate the severity of the tests.These figures are preceded by the letter C or E to show whether the source activity is less than or greater than certain limits. These limits depend upon the toxicity, solubility and reactivity of the active component of the source. C indicates that the activity level of the source does not exceed the prescribed limit and E that the limit is exceeded.

Classification of sealed radioactive source performance standards according to ISO 2919:2012(E)
Test Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Temperature No test -40℃ (20min)
+80℃ (1h)
-40℃ (20min)
+180℃ (1h)
-40℃ (20min) +400℃ (1h) and thermal shock to 20℃ -40℃ (20min) +600℃ (1h) and thermal shock to 20℃ -40℃ (20min) +800℃ (1h) and thermal shock to 20℃
External Pressure No test 25kPa absolute to atmospheric 25kPa absolute to 2MPa absolute 25kPa absolute to 7MPa absolute 25kPa absolute to 70MPa absolute 25kPa absolute to 170MPa absolute
Impact No test 50g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 200g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 2kg from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 5kg from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 20kg from 1m or equivalent imparted energy
Vibration No test
3 x 10min 25kHz to 500Hz at 49 m/s² (5g)* 3 x 10min 25Hz to 50Hz at 49 m/s² (5g)*and 50Hz to 90Hz 0,635mm peak to peak and 90Hz to 500 Hz at 98 m/s² (10g)* 3 x 30min 25Hz to 80Hz at 1,5mm peak to peak and 80Hz to 2000Hz at 196 m/s² (20g)* not used not used
Puncture No test 1g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 10g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 50g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 300g from 1m or equivalent imparted energy 1kg from 1m or equivalent imparted energy
Bending applies to sealed sources having an L/D of ≥ 15 only (L… active length, D… minimum outer capsule diameter..) see ISO2919:2012(E) page 10-11).

*) 1g = 9,8 m/s²