Overview - Tube Sources

The products shown on these pages are representative sources used for common applications.

If you cannot find the product with your specifications, please contact us using the corresponding email contact on this website. In most cases we will be able provide you with a solution meeting your requirements.

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Tube type sources are used in the quality control of well-type NaI detectors. For the quality control of multi-well detectors, matched sets of tube sources and multi-finger sources are available. 

Please select your tube source type below:

• VZ-1236-001

• T-Type

Tube Sources - VZ-1236


The radioactive material is homogeneously incorporated in 1ml of resin at the base of a plastic tube, 12mm in diameter and 75mm long. The rest of the tube is filled with inactive resin.

ISO classification


Drawing: VZ-1236-001

Ordering Information

Radionuclide Activity [kBq] Overall uncertainty [%]
Product code (DAkks certificate)
Am-241 3.7 3 AMRB4541
Ba-133 3.7 3 BDRB4543DE
Cs-137 3.7 3 CDRB4545
Co-57 3.7 3 CTRB4547
Co-60 3.7 3 CKRB4549DE
Eu-152 3.7 3 EFRB4551
Na-22 3.7 3 SKRB4555
I-129 3.7 3 ISRB4557
I-125 3.7 3 IMRB58291)

1)Please allow 12 weeks for delivery of this source from receipt of order.


Tube Sources Set – VZ-1236

Ordering information – source set (not calibrated)

Radionuclide Nominal activity [kBq] Product code
Ba-133 3.7
Cs-137 3.7
Co-57 3.7
Co-60 3.7
I-129 3.7
total nominal activity: 18.5 QCR5410DE


Tube Sources - T-Type

The type T plastic test tube is used in clinical instrument calibrations. Each polypropylene tube contains 0.75 mL of active epoxy with the balance of the tube filled with cold epoxy. Tube sizes are 2.95” high x 0.472” diameter (75 mm x 12 mm) or 2.17” high x 0.472” diameter (55 mm x 12 mm).

Window Nature of Active Materials
not applicable Metallic Salts Distributed in Epoxy


Overall Dimensions:

X Height Diameter Active Volume
T1 2.17” (55 mm) 0.472” (12 mm) 0.75 mL
T2 2.95” (75 mm) 0.472” (12 mm) 0.75 mL


Product information – Single Nuclides

Nuclide Catalog number Half-Life Major Photon Emmissions [keV] Available Activities
Am-241 GF-241-x 432.17 y 59.5 (36%), 11-20 (39.5%) Np L x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Sb-124 GF-124-x 60.20 d 602.7(97.9%), 722.8(10.9%), 1690.9(47.6%) 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Sb-125 GF-125A 1007.7 d 428(29.7%), 464(10.5%), 601(17.7%), 607(5%), 636(11.2%),
27-32(75.1%) Te K x-rays
5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Ba-133 GF-133-x 3862 d 80(34.1%), 303(18.3%), 356(61.9%), 32-37(53.2%) Cs K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Be-7 GF-007 On request
Bi-207 GF-007-x 1.16 x 104 d 570(97.7%), 1064(74.5%), 9-15(32.5%), Pb L x-rays, 72-88(77.7%)
Pb K x-rays
5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Cd-109 GF-109-x 462.6 d 88(3.6% from Ag-109 m), 22-26(99.4%) Ag K x-rays 50 nCi-1 mCi
1.85 kBq-37 MBq
Ce-139 GF-139-x 137.640 d 33.03(22.8%), 33.4(41.9%), 165.9(79.9%), 33-39(80%) La x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Ce-141 32.5 d not available
Cs-134 GF-134-x 754.28 d 563(8.4%), 569(15.4%), 605(97.6%), 796(85.4%) 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Cs-137 GF-137-x 30.17 y 662(85.1% from Ba-137), 32-37(7.2%) Ba K x-rays 5 nCi-1 mCi
185 Bq-37 MBq
Cr-51 GF-051-x 27.706 d 320(9.86%), 4.9-5.4(22.8%) V K x-rays 25 nCi-500 µCi
925 Bq-18.5 MBq
Co-57 GF-057-x 271.79 d 14(9.2%), 122(85.6%), 136.5(10.7%), 6.4-7.1(57.9%) Fe K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Co-60 GF-060-x 5.272 y 1173(100%), 1333(100%) 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Eu-152 GF-152-x 4933 d 122-1408, 40-47(74%) Sm +Gd x-rays
Eu-154 GF-154-x 3136.8 d 123-1597, 42-50(25.6%) Gd x-rays 25 nCi-10 µCi
925 Bq-370 kBq
Gd-153 GF-153-x 242 d 97(29.5%), 103(21.1%), 40-49(122%) Eu K x-rays 10 nCi-10 µCi
370 Bq-370 kBq
Ge-68 GF-068-x 270.8 d 511(178%), 1077(3.2%) from Ga-68, 9.2-10.4(44.1%) Ga K x-rays,
8.6-9.6(4.7%) Zn K x-rays
100 nCi-10 µCi
3.7 kBq-370 kBq
Ho-166m GF-166-x 1200 y 81-1427, 48-58(37.6%) Er K x-rays 10 nCi-10 µCi
370 Bq-370 kBq
I-125 GF-125-x 59.43 d 35(6.58%), 27-32(139%) Te K x-rays 10 nCi-10 µCi
370 Bq-370 kBq
I-129 GF-129-x 1.57 x 107 y 40(7.5%), 29-35(70.4%) Xe K x-rays 50 nCi-1 µCi
1.85 kBq-37 kBq
Fe-59 GF-059-x 44.51 d 1099(56.3%), 1292(43.7%) 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Mn-54 GF-054-x 312.3 d 835(100%), 5.4-5.9(25.6%) Cr K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Hg-203 GF-203-x 46.595 d 279.2(81.5%) 10 nCi-50 µCi
370 Bq-1.85 MBq
Se-75 GF-075-x 119.64 d 121(17.1%), 136(58.8%), 265(59%), 280(25%), 10.5-12.0(56.8%)
As K x-rays
5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Ag-110m GF-110-x 249.8 d 657.8(94.4%), 884.6(72.6%) 5 nCi-50 µCi
185 Bq-1.85 MBq
Mock I-131 GF-131-x ~5 y 356(from Ba-133), 662(from Cs-137/Ba-137) 50 nCi-10 µCi
1.85 kBq-370 kBq
Na-22 GF-022-x 950.8 d 511(178%), 1275(100%) 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Sr-85 GF-085-x 64.849 d 514(98.4%), 13.3-15.3(58.7%) Rb K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Sn-113 GF-113-x 115.09 d 392(64% from In-113 m), 24-28(96.8%) In K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Y-88 GF-088-x 106.630 d 898(94%), 1836(99.4%), 14.1-16.2(61.6%) Sr K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Zn-65 GF-065-x 244.26 d 1116(50.6%), 8.0-8.9(38.7%) Cu K x-rays 5 nCi-10 µCi
185 Bq-370 kBq
Zr-95 GF-095-x 64.02 d 724(44.1%), 757(54.5%) 10 nCi-50 µCi
370 Bq-1.85 MBq